For 20 years my creative outlet was my Traditional Chinese Medicine Practice. Than in March of 2021 I was severely brain damaged from my Covid vaccine. I went from being a very active mom of 3, to being disabled and housebound. Not being able to work, do yoga or even write after my injury my soul was desperately searching for ways to express itself. I found myself directed to the comfort of fibre. I had worked with crochet, braided rugs and sewing in my youth. I found myself digging through my old art supplies and started healing. The visceral feel of pulling more yarn off the spool. The different textures through your fingers. The constant beauty of colour. Organic. Plush.

All my pieces are made with hand dyed natural materials. Small fabrics that when woven together heal the lost pieces of ourselves that we didn’t realize have a place.

“The quality of the fabric is so soft and natural. You can tell how unique each piece is and that makes every item she sells even more special.”